Dietitian Bhawana | Your Expert Dietitian for Optimal Health

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Our expert team is dedicated to helping you manage your diabetes through a personalized and comprehensive approach. Our services include:

  • Personalized Meal Plans: Our experienced dietitians create customized meal plans tailored to your preferences, dietary needs, and diabetes type. These plans ensure balanced nutrition while helping you control your blood sugar levels.


  • Nutritional Guidance: We provide in-depth guidance on carbohydrate counting, portion control, and food choices to help you make informed decisions that align with your diabetes management goals.


  • Blood Sugar Monitoring: Our team assists you in understanding the importance of regular blood sugar monitoring and offers advice on how to interpret your results for better diabetes management.


  • Lifestyle Recommendations: Beyond diet, we offer insights into maintaining an active lifestyle, managing stress, and getting quality sleep – all crucial elements in diabetes care.


  • Ongoing Support: Our clinic offers continuous support and follow-ups to track your progress, make necessary adjustments to your plan, and address any challenges you might face.
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