Dietitian Bhawana | Your Expert Dietitian for Optimal Health

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Our specialized team is committed to assisting you in managing your uric acid levels through a tailored and comprehensive approach. Our services include:

  • Personalized Meal Plans: Our skilled dietitians craft individualized meal plans that cater to your dietary preferences and requirements, helping you lower your uric acid levels while maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.


  • Uric Acid Education: We provide in-depth information about the causes of high uric acid, its implications for your health, and the ways in which dietary choices can influence your condition.


  • Nutritional Guidance: Our team offers expert advice on selecting foods that are low in purines, which contribute to elevated uric acid levels. We guide you in making informed choices to support your uric acid management goals.


  • Monitoring and Progress Tracking: We assist you in monitoring your uric acid levels over time and make necessary adjustments to your meal plan based on your progress, ensuring optimal results.
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